Man and his mask

Under the garb of civility crime occurs, in the name of friendship opportunism and by saying love, selfishness is satisfied. These phenomena take place in every common man's life. They might feel as if it did not occur to anybody in specific because it is common in every individual's life. We have contrasting events in our life because of the contrasting identities we create. At home we expect our children to be disciplined, but when out with friends we break rules.

Indeed, we have many masks. This is hypocrisy as ignorance prevails. We conceal our own identity to such an extent that we forget our original identity. We lose of self identity and get identified with the false facades we once created to defend ourselves. We defend ourselves, our loved ones, dreams, aspirations, etc. As all these are our priorities, but many times contrasting, we create multiple facades.

This leads to identity crisis. We lose ourselves in our own web as a crab does. We are stuck!


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