Follow these two methods and see the changes!

Our minds crave for security, but is the greatest stumbling block itself. When our mind is let free into a halucinatory world, hopes start sprouting. There are many posts related to HOPE, but today I will be discussing 2 important methods which can be uses to cut down the 'hop'. 'Hop' here refers to speeding in the reverse order. This means that Hoping, takes you back from where you started.

It sets your mind to zero, to experience the possibilities to material life afresh. This is stupidity. BE CONSCIOUS. Spirituality is the only solution to get rid of this endless cycle. As you practice training the mind, you shall automatically be revealed of this trend of 'hopping' regularly. Once, noticed we should take the following steps:

  • Introspect:  This is an effective method to audit your thoughts. By practicing Introspection, you can get aware of the nature of your mind. Through a prolonged period of practice, it shall reveal to you the deep rooted thoughts that drive you to perform a particular activity.
  • Surrender: On having introspected deeply, one might be trampled by the onslaught of nightmares and unwanted thoughts. These thoughts may not be related to you in any manner. But, as you know that your mind absorbs content around you, in this world, since many lifetimes, surrendering them becomes crucial. If not, you may not progress in spiritual growth and chances to fall back rise. Consciously, submitting these thoughts by not attributing the thought to yourself accelerates your progress. Realizing that these thoughts are a result of many actions and desires of many lifetimes, helps you become consistent in surrendering.


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