Deserving Pain

Inferiority is perhaps the most common, but uniquely painful emotion within an individual. In some stage, a person is susceptible to this emotion,very strongly. But, have we noticed why? Why do our emotions of inferiority compel us to believe that we are inferior? We feel so because of our involvement with matter and world. Only when we engaged with the third entity did we feel that haunting feeling of inferiority.

We felt inferior after meeting others & then carried it till our homes & then while asleep it took shape as a dream. We have allowed the feeling, that negative feeling to subjugate us even when asleep. This is our fault. We deserve this pain caused to us, even after somewhere deep down we knew that we are apart from that emotion. You are here only because you are apart from that emotion. If you are that emotion, you could not have come so far. Inferiority is the result of very hard core notions, we form unconsciously. Some time ago, it was favorable, but now when we find a tough competitor with the same but stronger notions, it turns our unfavorable.

We feel inferior due to comparisons. Unwanted comparisons. Comparison is not a prized quality. If you compare thinking it would aid to your PROGRESS, you are highly mistaken. Someday, you will be hit by your own recessive, hidden feelings of inferiority. This will take shape when you are sure it won't, but, alas!, this is the beginning of inferiority. Comparison for sure is the train that will land you to your own dark sides and feelings like inferiority.

You deserve this pain if you continue to compare yourself and engage with the world.


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