Psychology compared with spiritual definition of True Happiness. (PART2)

This is very much true. Joy is like the sunrise, which is our destination but finding the cliff is an arduous task! That is the reason we take up different routes, by asking many people with different suggestions and knowledge about joy. Many people misinterpret joy as pleasure. This was discussed in detail in PART 1 of this series.

Taking the route suggested by the second category of people, we try finding the cliff, in ENGAGEMENT. We then participate in engaging activities to keep our senses occupied. This leads to productivity opening the doorways of creativity. It is quite a dense spectrum of life and thus quite difficult for many of us to realize THAT: Engagement too, is short lived. Yes!!!
It is harsh to hear, that engagement does not equate to joy, it is not the cliff from where the sunrise can be seen to its fullest! However, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Engagement unlike pleasure is more impactful.  It is more engaging and its effect is not mere happiness, but satisfaction. This is a higher level of happiness.
  • Engagement is more fulfilling. It occupies the mind rather than leaving it to crave. The senses are occupied to work towards a goal, thereby keeping them focused for a comparatively longer period of time.
  • But engagement, makes the senses more active. It transcends one from the Tamas (lazy) mode of existence to Rajas (passionate) mode of existence.
  • This makes an individual highly goal oriented, passionate and result focussed. Over a period of time, the joy is lost as the focus shifts from engaging the senses to satisfying the senses from name, fame and wealth.
  • Engagement usually depicts the careerists. They do not crave for the petty pleasures of life but they are seekers of a fulfilling life. They do not want to attend parties but want to work towards what makes a glamorous party. They are organizers and not customers. This makes them result BOUND.
  • They lose their sense of happiness as the sense of doership grows dominant. They identify themselves with the work. Engagement now becomes an ill-competition.
  • Happiness now turns into frustration, anger, GREED to establish and become better, etc. The joy of life is barred behind the expectations one creates on engaging in the act of ENGAGEMENT. Engagement becomes competition, a competition to win.
Thus engagement too is short lived. We were mature enough to come so far but not that mature to come out of it. We searched for joy in the wrong place. The cliff is no longer seen and the sunrise of joy is unseen. Again our lives become haunting and we tend to lead the same life until we decide to seek it (JOY) at the right place. Modern Psychology takes us to it third step/form of Happiness that is MEANING.


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