A clear mind

When do we realize that our lives are out of place? When do we realize that something is wrong with us? The answers to this question can be the most accurate, only when we have experienced something in contrast to our disordered life, only when we have realized that the spark of life has gone missing! Yes, we realize that this stress and tension of life has grown because there is no peace, Naturally!

See, peace and harmony are just the expressions to describe an ordered state. A well organized life, can however only be achieved through an ordered mind.
Just pause for a moment and think deeply. Don't you think, that even if the surroundings are peace giving, when our minds chatter we cannot experience what nature truly wants to give us. We do not enjoy a party when someone close to us lies in the hospital!

So, it simply means that, when our mind is cluttered and chattering incessantly, we are far away from harmony. We experience sorrow and remain distressed. So, begin Sadhana now, to develop harmony in some phase of your life.


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