What should be your object of focus?

To perform any action with perfection, 'focus' is a crucial element aiding to the process. However, as mentioned we are incapable of 'making things happen'. How is that true?
Yes! This is true from all angles as 'focus' hinders us from doing so. Let us understand this in detail.
For things to bring success to you, quality is essential. To bring about quality we need to have one pointed focus. Because, quality is an inexplicable aspect of a product. Some may appreciate while some may not.

Thus, focusing to bring quality the way you would want it to be is true quality. We know that needs of people vary and so by not looking at the world's need and focusing on your quality will yield best results. And a known fact: 'You are not the only one'. So, precisely, focus is the main focus for growth. Now, holding onto the definition of focus, it can be applied to only one object at a time.

So, while working on a project you cannot focus on two things- the quality and the result! Just pay attention on the priority, that is quality. If you focus on your priority its outcome will yield the best results, beyond human imagination. That is the power of focus.

'Giving your best' is synonymous to focusing and leaving the result to nature. She will  not neglect your efforts as there is commitment involved.

Commitment to the process itself will reveal you the best results.


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