Towards the truth

In the search of truth, not necessarily you'll reach your destination! But if you did you are unlike ordinary beings. Truth is the basis of our existence. It is the super science, our creator. So, when we walk on the path of truth, we contact the higher energy fields. Some energy that is alien to this world of lies. When we begin to speak the truth and are committed to it, when we refuse to speak a single lie, we will be held as diseased people by the worldly beings.

Why is this so? The answer is very simple. The world has spoken only lies and if we behave extraordinary by not following what it teaches us, we are mad!

When we speak the truth, we break the barriers of the ego. We lie to safeguard our self-respect and our ego. But when we speak the truth, we encounter this issue face to face. At first, it may be difficult to accept this fact.

We might say: "I don't have an ego" or "I never spoke a lie.", but remember to continue your journey towards the truth, acceptance is the first step. Accepting that you are not perfect will make your thorny journey towards the truth much simpler. Your journey is the experience (good/bad) you feel in weeding out the poisonous thorns (your ego), every time you encounter them. This is the journey towards truth. 


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