The End Of Profit & Loss

Profit and loss are the priorities of people with low consciousness. Let us understand this is depth.
We all have the spark of supreme consciousness. But, due to the conditioning of the mind, it is buried deep within ourselves. Nobody can be categorized on the basis profession, beliefs, sect, etc. Because we all are humans and have consciousness. But, we differ from each other because each of us have evolved through different stages of life. Not in terms of aging, but this refers to the evolution of the mind. We are not the body, but what we are presently identified with is our mind.

We find some people attached to money while some donate generously. The ones who are attached to matter have not evolved enough to awaken the super consciousness or intelligence. Because, their minds are clutched to matter. They are incapable of conceiving higher energies as their minds are piled up with matter. Only when we learn to let go and release our energy from dead matter can we progress in the evolutionary process.

Intelligence is a spec of the supreme consciousness. Even to grasp a part of that spec of the supreme consciousness (intelligence), we need to de-clutter our mind.

Just like to house new articles in our homes we first need to discard unwanted articles.


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