Why do we grow sadder?

Expectation bears its foundation on the ruin of focus/ Awareness. When man expects it is a sign of sheer foolishness.  Simply because, it is an imagination. Happiness, which we want to experience in the real world can come through expectation??? Do you think so??? No. Expectation is a crime as it involves the vital energy, capable of generating happiness in unfruitful activities. Let us understand this step by step.

When we expect, we require energy to draw/imagine circumstances and consequences and then imagine them in an emphatic manner. This requires a great amount of energy.

But have you noticed, after expecting the result of an unknown event we tend to grow sadder! This is because the mind can only expect good if it has churned enough to think about the wildest consequences that can ever take place. Only when we have thought bad about something do we expect good for it.

If we had never bothered to give an unseen situation the thought we give today, we would, by now have become joyous. Why do we grow sadder? The answer to this is expecting good. As explained, expecting can only arise when otherwise is thought regarding the particular action, event or person. If we would have utilized our energies in enhancing our lives we would have drawn happiness in the actual world. We would experience happiness.

So remember: "Expectation is the road blocker to happiness".


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