Work: Shaping the Mind

Work is the greatest tool, promoting spiritual growth. This applies to any kind of work. Because, the very design of work is against human liking. We humans are attuned to do things of our liking and neglect work by saying: "It is not my cup of tea". Now, questions like, "Why do people avoid working", "Why people don't like work", etc, arise. A simple answer to all such questions is that, people today have become very finicky. People have abandoned activities that are beneficial and are in the pursuit of satisfying their senses. It means they are driven by their impulses.
Work on the other hand, is a tool that can be used to break down negative patterns in us humans. This separates us from animals, making us human like.

Work is a repository of

  • skills that are developed over a long period. This characteristic of work instills patience in us.
  • knowledge which is acquired through a combination of qualities in us. Knowledge can be transmitted from one person/ book to another only if we are submissive and revere knowledge.
Work can do wonders. Because the very basis of work is divine, devoid of materialism. True work can only yield best results. The qualities that result or that are needed to perform quality work includes patience, perseverance, focus, dedication, etc. These qualities can emerge only when the mind is heated to an extent of evaporating impulsions. This heat can only be generated through constant sadhana and meditation.

In other words, quality work can only be generated through Sadhana or spiritual discipline.


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