Crossroads of Life

This is the state of awakening. These words are from the vocabulary of the newly awakened beings. A material man is unconscious of the fact that he does not live but he is a slave to life. He has not capable of living life in any manner and thus chooses to be a slave. Here slave has great significance as it depicts the depth of ignorance of man. Man feels many things but it is all bound to the factor life.

He is able to feel everything that he feels because he lives life in a particular way.
For example: A man feels happy when he watches a movie or when he goes round with his friend.
Thought why ? Because man has locked himself in wrong definitions of happiness.

The words given above is on the contrary, the words of an evolved man. This man has suddenly been struck with the realization of how horribly he has been living life. He realizes his slavery and is intelligent enough to conclude that this is not the authentic way of living life. There is something more to life.

Because, he has now clearly understood the difference between 'the way of leading a true life' and slavery. This man has understood that he has been owned and he himself is not the owner. He has understood that he is a mere servant, employed just to praise life.

From this means he has earned his so-called name and fame. This is not true, its not honor but captivity. This man has understood that this is not the true purpose of life, there is something more than what we can imagine, than what we label as LIFE.


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