Our Lost Friendship

We feel that the other is our friend and we too are quite good friends to them! But, just wait a gauge your friendship. Delve deeper into this relationship to find its roots. You will surely find a motive that drives your friendship. But, even then we might compromise on it by saying: "He/ She needs me and so I'm continuing." But remember that this is the response you too will receive from your so-called friend.

When the basis of our relationship is questioned, we begin playing the blame game. Because, there is no truth. We are continuing our relationship, (be it with our friends or relatives), we are not truly committed to the relation but the motive that drives us. If you feel that the other is a friend, you are highly mistaken.

We define friendship as a mutual bond between individuals where the driving motive is selfless love and care. Love and Care refers to selflessness. Here, individuals cherish the inner sentiments of one another and not the status, wealth or fame. However, we find no friendship between the contrasts. Friendship, today is done among the equals.

Now, there is just a facade in this relationship and genuineness is lost. We are all betraying each other if you say we are 'GOOD FRIENDS'.


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