Truth VS Fact

Yes, Truth may not necessarily be the fact, because both the terms do not mean the same. Fact is the conclusion drawn from human assumption. Facts, change from time to time because they are solely dependent on the external circumstances. So, precisely facts can change but truth cannot as it is eternal. As humans, we have a limited sense of perception.

We are unable to grasp the bigger picture. Often, we conclude before having studied the case efficiently. So, we come up with facts and not the truth. As we delve not deep in the matters, naturally we cannot reveal the truth. We are satisfied with are partial assumptions and hence, at most times are unaware of the truth.

Interesting to note is that, truth even then exists, but facts need a circumstance and situation to exist. We create facts and thus bring them to life. But truth lasts even after facts perish. Most of the time we are unable to see the truth because we aren't that subtle enough to notice the driving factor within ourselves.

That force is the truth. Our incapability to become aware naturally rejects the truth to be a fact and that is the sad part.


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