Equality is Inequality

Those who talk of equality are the foolish of all beings. They are preaching ideologies which they themselves do not follow. This state of inequality is applicable to every common man's life. Emotions of possession is prevalent in all humans. If this is present,how can one ever be just or equal to the other. Because, possession gives rise to favoritism while equality is breaking free the barriers of favoritism.  Indeed, human nature is quite primitive in this aspect. We cannot even afford to be equal!

Very important to note is: People who preach about equality are the first to break it. Because, their intention of preaching equality itself means that changing ideologies of the other. This is inequality in the subtle platform as it affects the personal space of a person. They inject their ideas into our minds by lecturing and giving spontaneous talks on equality. But they are unequal to us, as they attempt to alter the way we think, the way we ARE.

They do not want anything except their ideologies. This is inequality. It is a form of conversion, a conversion at a subtle level. People are consciously being unequal while they talk of equality. This is hypocrisy. They know that there is nothing like equality but still talk of it just because it is trending.

They know that there is no equality as they represent equality and they very much know that they are unequal, driven by their selfish motives.

Where there is selfishness, no equality can ever exist, because there exists discrimination .


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