Sensibility and Indulgence

Self indulgence means exploring the possibilities to destruction. When one engages seeking pleasure he enters the dimensions of madness, which destroys the intellect. Mind, as it is a product of matter gets corroded when undergoing through the different platforms of self indulgence. In fact, it is the mind which drives a person to seek, but it itself faces the consequences when the senses retire. With age, you no longer are enthusiastic to engage in self-indulging activities and with time you are overpowered by the deep sense of remorse.

The time you begin to decay, you settle in a self regretting mood. You undergo the partial experiences/ side effects of your bad activities. You realize that the activities never gave you pleasure, and was just an obsession. You realize that it was not the feeling of 'freedom' you felt, after self indulgence. In fact, it is the state of the fish half out of water. You realize how brutally you wasted your life energy and time in the wrong pursuits of life.

It was never self indulgence that gave you happiness but the feeling of you engaging in the act was giving you happiness! How foolish, that you pursued the wrong path. You should have directed your energies towards enhancing the feeling of happiness and not the act.

The act was just the trailer, which many times gives us the wrong impression of the film. 
We should be sensible enough to tread the spiritual path right away rather than undergoing the so-called pleasures of life which has the same, self-destructive end.


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