My library

Many people collect books to create a library. In fact many books remain untouched, collected with an intention to perhaps read it one day. Just because a particular friend told you to read it! So, the common reaction of people is to walk up to the store or buy it online! But, we can never find time to read it. If someone would ask your views about the (unread) book, placed in your crowded library, you would rate it with the lens of your friend, who suggested the outline of the book.

This is the fallacy of us humans. We are untruthful to the core. We never read it, but yet we cannot accept it. This is because we have created a facade of a geek or a knowledgeable man to the world. We have fancied our body with the suit of a gentleman and our homes with a huge library. Our mind has carved numerous identities for us, many of which is picked up from the unread books.

These are the imprints of our mind, which compel us to create false identities. It has been continuing since many lifetimes. We have created many libraries before and have mastered the skill of fooling others in this fashion. So, even now we continue to do the same.

But, we know the truth, the rating was not ours, it was stolen and not ours. We have accidentally cause harm to ourselves and have misguided ourselves, not the others.


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