Truth of the famous

Where there is position and possession there is no truth. This is because, truth is white and the former is black. If we begin decorating the truth, it no longer remains the truth. Because, 'decorating' is the quality of the ignorant. We decorate the truth with our ignorance, with our opinions, likes, dislikes, notions, etc. Our proccessings from the world cannot be termed as the truth. Because, it involves the mind, we are layered with ignorance.

Position and possession are the goals set by the mind. This is what are mind has been craving for lifetimes together. We incessantly target this and end up in the grave. Naturally, we ourselves are impermanent, then how can we experience our desires forever. 

The moment we feel that we are getting closer to our desires, the truth of life too comes closer to us. Death is inevitable, but truth is eternal. Position and possession are temporary but truth is eternal. Logically, temporary cannot hold the permanent.


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