Respect and Power

Respecting has today become a means to become powerful. We respect the powerful to become one. Isn't it not? So, why does our mind consciously or unconsciously function this way? Well if it is conscious, it simply means you are a cunning opportunist. But, if it is not a conscious act, let's look at it deeper. Our mind is a creation of matter. So, naturally it will drive us to believe that- the external world is the reality. However, it is not. We become weak when we do not have the reigns in our hands.

We feel weak when we are compelled to abide by what the other instructs. So, why not apply this fact in this case. We are indeed weak when we respect the powerful, because this is what our mind instructs us to do.

We can become powerful when we overcome our limitations. The truly powerful being is the one who has found out his own way. Through experiences we must learn that, the world serves the powerful to become one. They listen to their mind. So, are they not weak? We know they are weak simply by analyzing their approach towards becoming powerful. They become weak by selling themselves to the powerful. How can such people ever become powerful?

They are overpowered by their desire to become powerful but they end up being weak to the powerful. Doing the other way round is indeed powerful. It will make you one. This is guaranteed as the mind will never permit you to go against it. I you go against it, you are indeed powerful as you go against the powerful mind.

Respecting the weak will make you very powerful. This will be the first unique act of your life! This is freedom and hence true respect as only freedom is respected and not the enslaved.


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