Life comes to you!

When you have craving to live, you fear loss of life. Yes, if this was not the reason, you would have simply lived life and never craved for it? The vacuum of sadness and life is haunting. Due to this one is compelled to seek for a happy life. They engage in activities thinking it would cater their needs. But, alas we all realize that it gives a temporary sense of happiness.

The fear of losing happiness and life continues to haunt us, more than before. Because, the mind says: "You have tried all possible ways to happiness, isn't it?" Our mind questioning us, leaves us bewildered.

The only solution to this is to abide by the true principles of life and not the mind. You want to live life and not the mind. Then why don't you follow the principles of life, why do you adhere to your mind? This is the basic mistake all of us do. It is just like you want to learn using the smartphone and instead you read the manual to operate a camera! This is foolishness. The only principle is: leave the thought of living life and thinking about life, just live life.

Mute your mind once and then see how life becomes enchanting, devoid of fear. However, living in this state of presence can be achieved through deliberate spiritual discipline only.

Through practicing spirituality, you draw life automatically. Life comes following you while you remain absorbed in the state of absolute life, awareness. You live in the utter present, which is the most concentrated and beautiful form of life. You live and experience true life.


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