Intelligence and Stupidity

We all know that it is after all thoughts which give us our identity. Our physical looks do not make us who we are, but our thoughts make us one. What we  think reflects in our daily work as it propels action and motility in the world. Thus, thoughts constitute our identity. A stupid man is such because his thoughts are not composed while the other is regarded as intelligent only due to his control over thoughts.

Thus, thoughts play a major role in titling oneself as stupid or intelligent. But, there is an astonishing factor in an intelligent man which cannot be thought of. Yes! Intelligent beings lack the factor of considering oneself as intelligent. Even judging the other as thus is absent. This is because a composed mind is inwardly focused. And if it is 'focused' then there is no question of diverting from it. In other words, an intelligent one can never be externally driven.

On the other hand, a stupid man is highly foolish. His thoughts are like that of a monkey, always clinging on from one object to another. There is no decorum in their thoughts which result in a distorted personality. This makes them stupid, deserted from intelligence.

Now, there remains no meaning to their existence as there is no existence but slavery, slavery to their thoughts.


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