
Showing posts from November, 2019

Respect and Power

Respecting has today become a means to become powerful. We respect the powerful to become one. Isn't it not? So, why does our mind consciously or unconsciously function this way? Well if it is conscious, it simply means you are a cunning opportunist. But, if it is not a conscious act, let's look at it deeper. Our mind is a creation of matter. So, naturally it will drive us to believe that- the external world is the reality. However, it is not. We become weak when we do not have the reigns in our hands. We feel weak when we are compelled to abide by what the other instructs. So, why not apply this fact in this case. We are indeed weak when we respect the powerful, because this is what our mind instructs us to do. We can become powerful when we overcome our limitations. The truly powerful being is the one who has found out his own way. Through experiences we must learn that, the world serves the powerful to become one. They listen to their mind. So, are they not weak? We k...

Deserving Pain

Inferiority is perhaps the most common, but uniquely painful emotion within an individual. In some stage, a person is susceptible to this emotion,very strongly. But, have we noticed why? Why do our emotions of inferiority compel us to believe that we are inferior? We feel so because of our involvement with matter and world. Only when we engaged with the third entity did we feel that haunting feeling of inferiority. We felt inferior after meeting others & then carried it till our homes & then while asleep it took shape as a dream. We have allowed the feeling, that negative feeling to subjugate us even when asleep. This is our fault. We deserve this pain caused to us, even after somewhere deep down we knew that we are apart from that emotion. You are here only because you are apart from that emotion. If you are that emotion, you could not have come so far. Inferiority is the result of very hard core notions, we form unconsciously. Some time ago, it was favorable, but now whe...

My library

Many people collect books to create a library. In fact many books remain untouched, collected with an intention to perhaps read it one day. Just because a particular friend told you to read it! So, the common reaction of people is to walk up to the store or buy it online! But, we can never find time to read it. If someone would ask your views about the (unread) book, placed in your crowded library, you would rate it with the lens of your friend, who suggested the outline of the book. This is the fallacy of us humans. We are untruthful to the core. We never read it, but yet we cannot accept it. This is because we have created a facade of a geek or a knowledgeable man to the world. We have fancied our body with the suit of a gentleman and our homes with a huge library. Our mind has carved numerous identities for us, many of which is picked up from the unread books. These are the imprints of our mind, which compel us to create false identities. It has been continuing since many lif...

Can books really teach you?

In fact the answer is very simple. Books are effective tools to learn but it is you who have to learn. We pick up selected books. Why? Because they are according to our taste. For academics, we have numerous people printing books on the same syllabus, but why don't we go shopping all of them? Because they are not useful. In limits, (limited books on the same subject or comprehensive) anything is capable of giving you knowledge. Books, events, people, etc all teach us. In fact, life is a teaching itself. Why do we enjoy one book more than the other? It is because there is a connectivity that develops between you and the story teller or writer. It is the expression of your mind which coincides with that of the reader, making you love the novel. It is beyond your expectation, as you flip the pages of the book. You sigh, thinking that how your thoughts, perhaps, your mystery mind has been expressed so well. You cannot imagine the similarity of thoughts of the author and yourself...

Postponement and Health

Hoping is a mechanism to flee from presence. Talked about this in one of my quotes. This indicates that, living in a fantasy world becomes one's goal while they go astray in reality. Their frivolous behavior brings about other to feel a major discontinuance with the former. As they ignorantly neglect the essentials of life, people around them grow concerned. People who hope are inflicted by the very act of hoping. This is a disease. Anything that causes addiction leads to form a disease. Postponing the activities of life simply means you no longer wish to live or even alter your current situations. This is an ill-way of thinking. De-cluttering our minds or cleaning our mental framework can only yield a positive physical world. The science behind this statement has been elaborately explained before. It is all our perception. To get rid of this diseased state, it becomes mandatory to cut the wires that connect us to the fantasy world. All the channels that trigger the possibil...

Web of Hope

Often we find children dreaming big at a small age. This is the fantasy 'hope' gives to every individual irrespective of their age. We all hope of many things. We hoped differently at different stages of life. But, at some stage  of life we must realize that hoping wastes time in the real world. Everybody is self content in their hopes, in other words, everybody hopes for a content life. But, not everybody gets one. So, only mature people, not by age but by spiritual discipline and practice can one get out of the web of hope. Only after attaining this state of realization can one consciously disengage from the compulsive act of hoping.

You are missing out on this!

Spirituality is a personal choice. A very concentrated subject, it cannot be followed by many. However, today we find hordes of people calling themselves as spiritualists! According to them, following an institution or an organizations can notch them being called spiritual seekers. This is a farce and not the reality. Spirituality is not for herds. Just enrolling in a school does not make you a student. Studying and practicing what the school teaches is what makes you a student. Therefore, just by belonging to a particular spiritual organization is no good achievement. It is a delusion. You are no devotee, in that sense. What makes you a devotee is what you practice even without the institution. But, today institutions are convincing people a free ride to self attainment not by encouraging practices but by promoting the organizations. This is impossible. Attaining enlightenment is not a mass attainment, but a personal. You do not connect with the people around, but one has to...

Man and his mask

Under the garb of civility crime occurs, in the name of friendship opportunism and by saying love, selfishness is satisfied. These phenomena take place in every common man's life. They might feel as if it did not occur to anybody in specific because it is common in every individual's life. We have contrasting events in our life because of the contrasting identities we create. At home we expect our children to be disciplined, but when out with friends we break rules. Indeed, we have many masks. This is hypocrisy as ignorance prevails. We conceal our own identity to such an extent that we forget our original identity. We lose of self identity and get identified with the false facades we once created to defend ourselves. We defend ourselves, our loved ones, dreams, aspirations, etc. As all these are our priorities, but many times contrasting, we create multiple facades. This leads to identity crisis. We lose ourselves in our own web as a crab does. We are stuck!

Hope and Positivity

This might seem contradicting to many, but the fact is that practicing positivity is not as beneficial as you think. It is a form of ignorance. Because, positivity involves the mind, it can never be positive. Remember, any act involving the mind is negative. Practices that help dewiring the mind is positive. Such practices abate the wandering of the mind. The movement of the mind is always flimsy and not unidirectional, so are hopes. We hope not one thing, not once, but many things and many times! So, we have desires sprouting from hopes and senses to achieve them. This is ignorance. Anything done unconsciously is ignorance. Because we are not aware of this cyclic trend of hope transforming into desire then act. These activities generally yield negative results. This causes disturbance, again compelling us to unconsciously accept hope. Now, we hope again, but to get rid of negativity. We hope positivity. This is ignorance of the highest kind as we dream and try to pacify ...

Do you love anybody?

This is very much evident. If you can sincerely answer this question, then you'll understand this the way it is expressed. "What makes you love your family?", "Why are you attached to your family?". Lets understand this with very specific answers. We love our spouse because he/she earns, fulfills our desires, cooks good food, etc. This is a genuine answer. We might feel: "But, no I sincerely love him/her." You don't love your neighbor or a stranger. Just because they are not related to you. They don't contribute to you emotions. They are not giving you any ind of pleasure. So, simply the answer to this question concludes that we love our family because they satisfy our desires. We love our children because they are our extended form of ego, etc. We are attached to our family because they are ours. We are attached because, we find that particular entity interesting. "That particular entity gives me pleasure and so I love him/her....

Truth of the famous

Where there is position and possession there is no truth. This is because, truth is white and the former is black. If we begin decorating the truth, it no longer remains the truth. Because, 'decorating' is the quality of the ignorant. We decorate the truth with our ignorance, with our opinions, likes, dislikes, notions, etc. Our proccessings from the world cannot be termed as the truth. Because, it involves the mind, we are layered with ignorance. Position and possession are the goals set by the mind. This is what are mind has been craving for lifetimes together. We incessantly target this and end up in the grave. Naturally, we ourselves are impermanent, then how can we experience our desires forever.  The moment we feel that we are getting closer to our desires, the truth of life too comes closer to us. Death is inevitable, but truth is eternal. Position and possession are temporary but truth is eternal. Logically, temporary cannot hold the permanent.

Our Lost Friendship

We feel that the other is our friend and we too are quite good friends to them! But, just wait a gauge your friendship. Delve deeper into this relationship to find its roots. You will surely find a motive that drives your friendship. But, even then we might compromise on it by saying: "He/ She needs me and so I'm continuing." But remember that this is the response you too will receive from your so-called friend. When the basis of our relationship is questioned, we begin playing the blame game. Because, there is no truth. We are continuing our relationship, (be it with our friends or relatives), we are not truly committed to the relation but the motive that drives us. If you feel that the other is a friend, you are highly mistaken. We define friendship as a mutual bond between individuals where the driving motive is selfless love and care. Love and Care refers to selflessness. Here, individuals cherish the inner sentiments of one another and not the status, wealth o...

Equality is Inequality

Those who talk of equality are the foolish of all beings. They are preaching ideologies which they themselves do not follow. This state of inequality is applicable to every common man's life. Emotions of possession is prevalent in all humans. If this is present,how can one ever be just or equal to the other. Because, possession gives rise to favoritism while equality is breaking free the barriers of favoritism.  Indeed, human nature is quite primitive in this aspect. We cannot even afford to be equal! Very important to note is: People who preach about equality are the first to break it. Because, their intention of preaching equality itself means that changing ideologies of the other. This is inequality in the subtle platform as it affects the personal space of a person. They inject their ideas into our minds by lecturing and giving spontaneous talks on equality. But they are unequal to us, as they attempt to alter the way we think, the way we ARE. They do not want anything e...

Towards the truth

In the search of truth, not necessarily you'll reach your destination! But if you did you are unlike ordinary beings. Truth is the basis of our existence. It is the super science, our creator. So, when we walk on the path of truth, we contact the higher energy fields. Some energy that is alien to this world of lies. When we begin to speak the truth and are committed to it, when we refuse to speak a single lie, we will be held as diseased people by the worldly beings. Why is this so? The answer is very simple. The world has spoken only lies and if we behave extraordinary by not following what it teaches us, we are mad! When we speak the truth, we break the barriers of the ego. We lie to safeguard our self-respect and our ego. But when we speak the truth, we encounter this issue face to face. At first, it may be difficult to accept this fact. We might say: "I don't have an ego" or "I never spoke a lie.", but remember to continue your journey towards t...

The world: Before and After

Looking at the condition of the present world, we can easily gauge the consequences of human liberty and so-called freedom. Believe it or not, our past had presented this world in a better condition! We are not just to our future. So, it is hard time for us to acknowledge our destructive way of living and think about ways to reconstruct them. If we had long taken the reins to form society, today's doom would have been witnessed long ago! The future doom, which will be devastating and horrifying would have formed today, the present. A good example to indicate this fact is the use of overuse of drugs. Initially drugs were taken as a means to calm the disturbed mind, but today we all know that it is taken as trend, fashion purposes, craze. Drugs have become a source of imitation. So, taking this example as the scenario of years before, it is very much evident that circumstances would have been worse today. Not yet fulfilling, the circumstances today are no less than hell. To r...

Universe: An imagination

Yes, by birth we all are blessed with imaginative capabilities. We call people great thinkers just because they have learnt the skill of expressing their creativity. On the other hand, universe is the mass of imagination from where we are granted each thought or idea. What makes this universe, is in fact our own thoughts! Only when we are able to think can we have a better experience of the external surroundings. The universe is a collection of millions of people like us or unlike us. But, the point of similarity between all of us that: WE FORM A PART OF THE UNIVERSE. So, naturally, we must have a lot in common. The similarities are the various components of the universe which has been born alive because it was an imagination. Before, the universe existed, there was a thought or an imagination of how the universe shall be! Who thought is another subject, but it is obvious that we need to think enough to create a beautiful place like the universe. In other words, it is the imagi...

Truth VS Fact

Yes, Truth may not necessarily be the fact, because both the terms do not mean the same. Fact is the conclusion drawn from human assumption. Facts, change from time to time because they are solely dependent on the external circumstances. So, precisely facts can change but truth cannot as it is eternal. As humans, we have a limited sense of perception. We are unable to grasp the bigger picture. Often, we conclude before having studied the case efficiently. So, we come up with facts and not the truth. As we delve not deep in the matters, naturally we cannot reveal the truth. We are satisfied with are partial assumptions and hence, at most times are unaware of the truth. Interesting to note is that, truth even then exists, but facts need a circumstance and situation to exist. We create facts and thus bring them to life. But truth lasts even after facts perish. Most of the time we are unable to see the truth because we aren't that subtle enough to notice the driving factor withi...

Depending on creativity, depending on God.

It is said that we should depend on God, but what is given here? Let us understand this clearly. When we are surrendered to God completely, we do not own any skill, thought or action. Because, this is the definition of COMPLETE SURRENDER. But, the Lord is ever merciful. He is unlike any other master. In the material world, if we surrender, we are treated as slaves. In fact, surrender means slavery in the material world. Master claim ownership of our our very existence. But, the spiritual laws and definitions are absolute and true. God, takes extra care of his surrendered devotees. They are dearer to God than any other. They are his closest, His own children. So, out of love, God blesses the devotee with his supreme will and power. As a concerned father, he will grant us only those instruments which are suitable and safe for us. Money is destruction. It is an asset of Maya devi in its most concentrated form. But here, God gifts His WILL. This is creativity. From His WILL, even...

The science of Guilt

When do we feel guilty? or a rather connecting to you question would be When do you feel guilty? The answer is certainly this. We feel guilty when our expectation turn out otherwise. But, this is a very superficial conclusion we all draw, from our own experiences. We haven't thought in deeper about this. Let's go deeper and understand the science of guilt. We can only feel guilty when choose. Yes, when we have a chance to act, we are presented with two options. One from the mind and the other from the soul. Now, guilt can only come along after having chosen the option, emphatically praised by the mind. Due, to the loudness of the mind, 99.99% of people go for the option proposed by the mind and the results lands all of them in GUILT. Yes! seems astonishing, but it is the fact. We feel guilty because we realize that we chose the wrong option and we feel more guilty when we realize that the appropriate option was suggested to us, but we were ignorant as we refused it. ...

Sensibility and Indulgence

Self indulgence means exploring the possibilities to destruction. When one engages seeking pleasure he enters the dimensions of madness, which destroys the intellect. Mind, as it is a product of matter gets corroded when undergoing through the different platforms of self indulgence. In fact, it is the mind which drives a person to seek, but it itself faces the consequences when the senses retire. With age, you no longer are enthusiastic to engage in self-indulging activities and with time you are overpowered by the deep sense of remorse. The time you begin to decay, you settle in a self regretting mood. You undergo the partial experiences/ side effects of your bad activities. You realize that the activities never gave you pleasure, and was just an obsession. You realize that it was not the feeling of 'freedom' you felt, after self indulgence. In fact, it is the state of the fish half out of water. You realize how brutally you wasted your life energy and time in the wrong p...

Stop this practice right away.

When do we practice something? There can be two answers relevant to this question. When you do not know and find it important/ or are forced to learn the subject When you deal with people, you find it important to suppress your feelings, perhaps they were inappropriate! The first reason is when you are undergoing tutoring. But, today's world we aren't taught to develop qualities through practices. We aren't expected to really feel what we say. So developing qualities, to such an extent that it transforms your character is not promoted in this material world. You are most likely expected to bear a temporary mask. The second standard of practice is highly crucial for social engagement. This quote, elaborates more on this point: "We do not feel, but we do and say, just because it seems appropriate." This is the mentality of people in the social world. This is the world of duplicity where all intentions are hidden. Naturally, if the good ones are shown...

A clear mind

When do we realize that our lives are out of place? When do we realize that something is wrong with us? The answers to this question can be the most accurate, only when we have experienced something in contrast to our disordered life, only when we have realized that the spark of life has gone missing! Yes, we realize that this stress and tension of life has grown because there is no peace, Naturally! See, peace and harmony are just the expressions to describe an ordered state. A well organized life, can however only be achieved through an ordered mind. Just pause for a moment and think deeply. Don't you think, that even if the surroundings are peace giving, when our minds chatter we cannot experience what nature truly wants to give us. We do not enjoy a party when someone close to us lies in the hospital! So, it simply means that, when our mind is cluttered and chattering incessantly, we are far away from harmony. We experience sorrow and remain distressed. So, begin Sadhan...

Selfless man!

Selflessness, evidently defines it meaning to us. When one, thinks less about oneself, he is called selfless. But, this state is however, difficult to attain. In the spiritual spectrum, when one practices the rules and regulations as prescribed in the shastras, one automatically attains this state. No special effort is needed to inculcate this quality in a sadhaka.  Just like: When we eat ice-cream, along with taste we can even experience the coolness of the ice that makes the ice-cream, a sadhaka along with receiving other invaluable qualities and abilities, is benedicted with this quality, selflessness. In a material man, this quality is rarely found.  If one seems to bear this quality, literally, then it means that he is evolving and will soon adopt the path that leads to the true purpose of life. On walking this path, this quality, which was visible partially before, now brightens as he involves the light of awareness to shine from within. As one becomes aware, all ...

Life comes to you!

When you have craving to live, you fear loss of life. Yes, if this was not the reason, you would have simply lived life and never craved for it? The vacuum of sadness and life is haunting. Due to this one is compelled to seek for a happy life. They engage in activities thinking it would cater their needs. But, alas we all realize that it gives a temporary sense of happiness. The fear of losing happiness and life continues to haunt us, more than before. Because, the mind says: "You have tried all possible ways to happiness, isn't it?" Our mind questioning us, leaves us bewildered. The only solution to this is to abide by the true principles of life and not the mind. You want to live life and not the mind. Then why don't you follow the principles of life, why do you adhere to your mind? This is the basic mistake all of us do. It is just like you want to learn using the smartphone and instead you read the manual to operate a camera! This is foolishness. The only p...

Crossroads of Life

This is the state of awakening. These words are from the vocabulary of the newly awakened beings. A material man is unconscious of the fact that he does not live but he is a slave to life. He has not capable of living life in any manner and thus chooses to be a slave. Here slave has great significance as it depicts the depth of ignorance of man. Man feels many things but it is all bound to the factor life. He is able to feel everything that he feels because he lives life in a particular way. For example: A man feels happy when he watches a movie or when he goes round with his friend. Thought why ? Because man has locked himself in wrong definitions of happiness. The words given above is on the contrary, the words of an evolved man. This man has suddenly been struck with the realization of how horribly he has been living life. He realizes his slavery and is intelligent enough to conclude that this is not the authentic way of living life. There is something more to life. Becau...

Why do we grow sadder?

Expectation bears its foundation on the ruin of focus/ Awareness. When man expects it is a sign of sheer foolishness.  Simply because, it is an imagination. Happiness, which we want to experience in the real world can come through expectation??? Do you think so??? No. Expectation is a crime as it involves the vital energy, capable of generating happiness in unfruitful activities. Let us understand this step by step. When we expect, we require energy to draw/imagine  circumstances and consequences and then imagine them in an emphatic manner. This requires a great amount of energy. But have you noticed, after expecting the result of an unknown event we tend to grow sadder! This is because the mind can only expect good if it has churned enough to think about the wildest consequences that can ever take place. Only when we have thought bad about something do we expect good for it. If we had never bothered to give an unseen situation the thought we give today, we woul...

Psychology compared with spiritual definition of True Happiness. (PART2)

This is very much true. Joy is like the sunrise, which is our destination but finding the cliff is an arduous task! That is the reason we take up different routes, by asking many people with different suggestions and knowledge about joy. Many people misinterpret joy as pleasure. This was discussed in detail in PART 1 of this series. Taking the route suggested by the second category of people, we try finding the cliff, in ENGAGEMENT. We then participate in engaging activities to keep our senses occupied. This leads to productivity opening the doorways of creativity. It is quite a dense spectrum of life and thus quite difficult for many of us to realize THAT: Engagement too, is short lived. Yes!!! It is harsh to hear, that engagement does not equate to joy, it is not the cliff from where the sunrise can be seen to its fullest! However, we can draw the following conclusions: Engagement unlike pleasure is more impactful.  It is more engaging and its effect is not mere happine...

Psychology compared with spiritual definition of True Happiness. (PART1)

Joy is our nature. However, we do not experience it. But there are times we do! Have you observed deep enough when and why! Happiness as defined by modern Psychology can be equated to Pleasure, Engagement and Meaning. They can be elaborated as follows: Pleasure: It is the result of the tendency that drives us to seek momentary pleasures of life. For example: Attending parties, Having delicious food, Watching a movie, Wearing a new dress, etc. Engagement: It is the result of the decisions taken by an orderly mind. For Example: The happiness we experience after physical exercise, Mental work, like solving a mathematics problem, Joy we experience after publishing the article we worked on for a long period of time, etc. Meaning: It is the joy of serving others. It is synonymous to selflessness. For example: Serving food for impoverished children, Educating the underprivileged children, etc. On delving deeper into each form of happiness given above, we can conclude as follows...

Follow these two methods and see the changes!

Our minds crave for security, but is the greatest stumbling block itself. When our mind is let free into a halucinatory world, hopes start sprouting. There are many posts related to HOPE, but today I will be discussing 2 important methods which can be uses to cut down the 'hop'. 'Hop' here refers to speeding in the reverse order. This means that Hoping, takes you back from where you started. It sets your mind to zero, to experience the possibilities to material life afresh. This is stupidity. BE CONSCIOUS. Spirituality is the only solution to get rid of this endless cycle. As you practice training the mind, you shall automatically be revealed of this trend of 'hopping' regularly. Once, noticed we should take the following steps: Introspect :  This is an effective method to audit your thoughts. By practicing Introspection, you can get aware of the nature of your mind. Through a prolonged period of practice, it shall reveal to you the deep rooted thoughts ...

Definitions of Justice change. How to get Justice?

Nothing can be termed as right and wrong. There are many factors to consider, before tagging them as one. Every event is bound to happen in a pre-decided time frame. Thus, this gives rise to destiny. Talking of an individual and his reality, destiny plays a predominant role in deciding his/her future. We all face circumstances of both pleasing and displeasing categories. At this phase, we demand for justice. This is again, invoking Right and wrong judgement. But, as mentioned earlier, time is our constant companion, it shares a similar bond with opinions, notions and the justice systems. We go to seek justice from a changing entity. What we claimed to be right and now become wrong! This is the law of nature. Changes are inevitable. Thus, there is no justice as its hands, right and wrong are dominated by time. In this sense, time is greater, as it is omnipresent. But, don't forget that it is the cause of changes and hence unreliable. So, it is crucial for us to differentiate ...

Love of the Wise

A wise man does not love and hence does not need love. This is an esoteric statement indeed! A wise man is connected to the param-atma. The nature of param-atma is ever-joyful and the epitome of love. Thus, the wise have united with the source of love within. Love is already invoked and hence they need not search it outside. Their love is so content that they even don't require an object to express that love. Unlike material love, spiritual love or true love is a mutual communication between the soul and the super-soul (atma and param-atma). It is not a relationship between two individuals but is an expression exhibited by one individual in two forms, to bring about variegatedness. It is the sweet bond he relishes every moment in life. It does not need any external catalyst for its fulfillment. He has reserved his heart with love and is not focused on the object as there love becomes both, the subject and object. In material love, the heart of two individuals is heavily clou...