You are Happiness.

Happiness does not lie beyond yourself. You are the embodiment of happiness as the source lies deep within ourselves. This is the ParamAtma. No object, person or event is capable of giving you happiness. This might not seem to be true, but you think for yourself. When we are sad internally, then the object we loved, or the person we admired no more seem to be pleasurable.

They do not give us any kind of happiness. If we are happy, only then the outside world is happy. This is because, it is our happiness that reflects on the world outside. So, the objects, people, events do not give us happiness of any sort. They are just objects on which our happiness is reflected.

Due to our limited understanding we often mistake the object and not self as the source of Happiness.  We are happiness because of which the outside world seems happy. 

But the world has no potency to become joyful or sorrowful and hence cannot be the cause of joy or sorrow to any living being.


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