What are we after all? Do you know? Answer this question with complete transparency.
We are two legged animals, with a developed brain, made up of flesh, bones and blood.
Why do we go about boasting our capacities? We must know that we have a temporary living on Earth and we are no special entities. We are not immortals. We are like any other creation of the creator, God.

We can never make a difference to the world as the one who thought  thus no longer exist. Many think thus, but do you see them! No, the world functioned absolutely well before them, while they existed and even after they are gone!

God, is the creator. Can we breathe without air, sun and water. No. What are these forms? These are integral part of all life forms. These make a difference to all of us. This is nature, another form of God. We have a very shortsighted vision as we feel that we can make a difference to the world, we are important...

But, this is not true at all. Without that Supreme Energy, God, nothing is possible.


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