True intelligence is not from...

Intelligence is not a mundane attribute but it deals with the space of consciousness. A very simple way to understand the degree of intelligence is this- The more you are connected with the super conscious, or spirit, you are connected to true intelligence. In other words, mundane activities and their results, success and failure cannot be the products of intelligence. So, we must understand that intelligence does not sprout from the brain but from the conscience which is the soul of the brain and many other vital functions.

Intelligence is what makes us. It is consciousness that is intelligence! So, without intelligence present as consciousness, no activity or even thought can be carried out. However, in our daily lives, we may/ may not be conscious of the consciousness within us. So, we mistake the brain and not its source as the benefactor of intelligence.

However, when man knows that it is not the success of materialism that is intelligence, he then becomes truly intelligent. He knows that the calculations of the brain be it in the intellectual or emotional platform is always misleading, it being governed by the mind. So, he engages with the soul and deserts the so-called material definitions of intelligence.


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