Stress Management.

When we first joined the art class it was pretty hard to make an apple! Yes, why do we forget about this. Due to our high degree of forgetfulness, we have taken up to become stressed. We forget that we were incapable of even drawing an apple, but as time passed we LEARNT to draw. Then gradually we became good sculptors. But, just ask yourself, "What do we sculpt?" If you are sincere, your answer is certainly this.

"We sculpt the already existing things and people around us." So, we do not create but imitate. When we become aware of this fact at every stage of life, we release the stress of becoming something. Because, we will then know that what we think has already been created by the creator. We cannot become anything new, because it has all existed. To release stress and if you are truly concerned about yourself, you must bring the smallest of smallest things to your notice. Whenever you are overcome with this emotion of self importance, ask yourself, "Can I create an Apple, its fragrance, its sweetness?" The answer is certainly No. Realize this fact.

Audit your thoughts, emotions and feelings carefully to see whether the particular emotion is related to your ego. "Are they your extension of Ego, supremacy or crediting you for being special?" If so, you are indeed stressed in a subtle manner or you are aware of your stress. So, to get rid of this recurring stress, we must adopt the practice of becoming aware of them which reduces the intensity of that particular thought.

Thereby, releasing a lot of stress and raising your energy levels. Worries can be releases easily by committing yourself to a strict spiritual discipline (sadhana) . However, Sadhana is not limited to just this, it has a larger working field.


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