Sanatan Dharma

True religion is Sanatan Dharma. This has existed from the time existence existed. So, following this religion will reveal the ultimate reality. But, when the reality and specifically ultimate reality is revealed through Sanatan Dharma, it is evident that it cannot be bound to the term religion. Today, religion has a very constricted meaning and reach in an individual's life. It is not capable of revealing the nature of life.

It has created barriers between people today. In other words, religion as a term has created division among people.

Sanatan Dharma, as opposed to religion propagates no religion. It is just the revelation of life, its experience and its occurrence. So, following this ultimate Dharma, will get us to conclude that there is no religion. In fact, religion is not religion today! Only by following true religion ( Sanatan Dharma) will let us know religion. Once, we know a spec of it we know that the 'religion- based talk of the world' speaks nothing about religion.

Only Santan Dharma is true religion as it teaches us to live without today's so-called religion. Sanatan Dharma reveals the truth about human nature. Revealing the human nature is the greatest service to humanity because this lead man to discover, invent, study and learn fascinating creations of the creator. But, along with that, the same human nature got us to accept and create today's religion and other problems which are threats to society.

It is our very human nature which has created problems for us. So, studying this human nature is true study! The Sanatan Dharma is the road map to such an endeavour.


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