Is he a genius?

When we hear the world talk about a genius, there are erratic tales appended to him. "Perhaps, this is what makes him different from us." is the view of the world. But, this is madness. Because there are abnormalities exhibited. Just by being different from others by adopting mad ways gets you labelled as genius. However, that genius knows that he is making others mad. While the one who knows that the latter is fooling him and the others, knows that the genius is indeed mad.

The idea is to tell you that, just by becoming different from others does not necessarily make you genius, it can also be madness. So, don't try to be a different person. Just be yourself. Don't try to make your identity in this world. Because, this world has a very poor memory. So, you are wasting time, if you try to become a so-called genius.

This process of becoming a genius wholly depends on the world to credit you as a genius. Eventually, the world itself will label you as a mad man. A genius of today is the mad of tomorrow. As everything discovered today is the end of today and the start of tomorrow. So, remember the so-called genius only creates a memorable present, but short lived along with it he creates a dark futuristic name for himself.
He is labelled as mad by the future.


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