Smiling when you don't want to

Smiling when we don't feel like is a disease. This disease deals with the mental framework of our mind. In other words, anything that doesn't fit under the spiritual laws is a disease. Smiling when we don't feel like is a disease because it is governed by the mind. We often smile to keep the other happy or rather to keep ourselves happy. Even if there is momentary displeasure while exhibiting that smile on our face, we simply do it because that might fetch us a ground to seek happiness.

This implies for all those who smile even while feeling uncomfortable. Just simply ask yourself: "Why am I smiling when I don't mean it or like to do???" The answer is hard to hear but it is the truth. We have selfish motives that compel smile, against our will.

So, the first step to undo all the things that you did not like is to stop doing them again. We cannot alter our past but surely build good new ones. Consciously working towards our faulty mind, through sadhana can abate the outcomes of our past actions. We cannot eliminate it or stop it from manifesting but can make it lifelessly appear only through sadhana.

Next time you do not feel like smiling do not smile. This will be an act of truthfulness. You are being true to Yourself and Your Inner Feelings. You are not abiding to what your selfish mind dictates rather you choose to follow your heart, the truth.


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