Most Precious Secret Revealed!

Believing in oneself is stupidity. It does no assure you a permanent solution as believing is a fluctuating phenomena. We believe in something because we were taught to, but with age and experience we disbelieve those things! Do not try to believe. You are being unnatural in that sense. You are accepting (believing) something blindly just because you were asked to. "Perhaps,it would resolve my problems". If this is your intention, you are highly mistaken. Because, the medicine that works for him might not necessarily, or never work for you.

Believing is just an escape mechanism. If you are convince not to believe, then what will you do? The answer is: "Just Be". Be yourself and know yourself. Go deeper within yourself, for nobody else ca do that for you!

Find out the root cause of your misery. Be sincere in answering every question you encounter while undergoing introspection. Just Be. Then this will make you confident, not superficially as you have understood the working of your brain, persistently through Sadhana.

Next, de-credit yourself from what you thought was yours, it may be your feelings, people or opinions. After Being you must leave that too to the Supreme Lord. When you leave yourself, your identity, there will be no worries as they were associated to that identity! Now, God will be in charge.

The key points to such a realization are:

  • Do not believe.
  • Just Be yourself. Know Yourself, which is only possible through Sadhana.
  • Continue Sadhana with utmost dedication and sincerity
  • Surrender to God. Surrender every thought, feeling, emotion associated to your mortal identity to God, which definitely has loads of worries, to God.
  • If you have truly surrendered you will never experience  worries as worries. They will just be experiences for you to see God function in your life!
  • This state is only when you have truly practiced Sadhana and surrendered completely


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