Which is the true Voice???

We have been told to listen to our inner voice in time of crisis! But which voice do we listen to?
Most of us face a problem to identify the true inner voice. In fact, in our inner spectrum there are more voices than what we hear in the physical plane. These voices are the voices of our emotions,feelings, mind, soul, heart, brain,etc. So many, isn't it?
How do we really know which is the genuine voice, the voice of our soul?

We must know that our mind chatters throughout, day in and day out. If you have been practicing Sadhana, you would be aware of the mind's voice, which generally compels man with the feeling of guilt, anger, happiness (temporary), excitement.

The voice which dictates us to engage in an activity for momentary pleasure is the voice of our mind. It will ask us to do activities that satisfy the body (senses). These might seem to be the voice of our emotions at times,but there is no such voice! Everything we hear that directs us to the world of activities and outcomes is the voice of the mind. Listen to the voice that comes from deep, from the core of our hearts. It is a soft, but strong voice.

Only our attention to THAT VOICE, is the right action. That voice is the true voice as it lays down the appropriate reasons for performing a particular act. That is the voice, full of detachment. It is not attached to the pleasure (or momentary happiness) that life gives. So, it is the voice that is above this transient phenomenon of happiness and sorrow.

It opens the doorways to everlasting Peace and Happiness. It gives us the clarity of  situations and thus bringing forth the right act, we need to do in order to overcome our concerning issues. Naturally, this is the voice of the soul and the ultimate reality.


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