Early Psychology

Traditionally Psychology was referred to the study of the mind. Here, the 'mind' had a subtle meaning. It referred to the repository of thoughts, emotions, feelings, notions, opinions, behaviors and compulsions. Thus, psychology referred to the study of the human consciousness, which effects one's daily lives. So, it was mandatory to adopt Psychology as a practice, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This Psychology was not a subject, but it just formed a part of the ancient practices. Ancient Psychology was highly traditional, involving chanting of mantras and Vedic texts to increase concentration and focus of the mind, practicing Yoga for the enrichment of the human mind and body.

These practices were essentially leading to unravel the powerful soul. These practices were done in order to maintain equilibrium of the mind and body, allowing the soul to function via the body and mind. Psychology was not deemed to be a subject of focus, although. It was a part of living and hence not practiced separately or apart from daily activities. Earlier, the activities were not monotonous. They did not focus on growth derived from unnecessary pressure. Thus, the practices, centered around the welfare of the human mind, devoid from stress and unnecessary pressure. Sadhana, formed an integral part of people's life, which is the backbone to real Psychology.

Studying the mind requires a sane and calm mind and so Sadhana was a must. It was mandatory to practice Sadhana, as it caters to a mind devoid of chattering. But today, situations have changed drastically. Our lifestyles have also changed along with our point of focus. More than self care, we care for profits and losses for external comforts.

This has brought about a major deviation in the field of Psychology too. Although, the ancient practice of keeping the mind healthy, was not termed 'Psychology' it does coincide with the definition of 'Modern Psychology'.
Because, Modern Psychology too targets to keep the mind devoid of any disease, in other terms, healthy.

Due, to the change in lifestyle and priorities, it is obvious that there has been significant alterations in the mind too. Because, every act we perform is an outcome of some mental churning. So, it is understood that the mind has grown from seclusion. At present, the human mind has become externally inclined and the reach of Psychology has been limited to controlling the human mind.

The focus of Psychology has now shifted from studying to mere controlling the human mind.


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