
Showing posts from December, 2019

Early Psychology

Traditionally Psychology was referred to the study of the mind. Here, the 'mind' had a subtle meaning. It referred to the repository of thoughts, emotions, feelings, notions, opinions, behaviors and compulsions. Thus, psychology referred to the study of the human consciousness, which effects one's daily lives. So, it was mandatory to adopt Psychology as a practice, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This Psychology was not a subject, but it just formed a part of the ancient practices. Ancient Psychology was highly traditional, involving chanting of mantras and Vedic texts to increase concentration and focus of the mind, practicing Yoga for the enrichment of the human mind and body. These practices were essentially leading to unravel the powerful soul. These practices were done in order to maintain equilibrium of the mind and body, allowing the soul to function via the body and mind. Psychology was not deemed to be a subject of focus, although. It was a part o...

Engagement Robs...

Engagement is an outward activity. It has nothing to do with oneself. Our spirit has no engagement with the external world. It can only be engaged with spiritual activities. But, as man finds it haunting to be alone, he engages with people to overcome this fear. He compromises with the happiness of the soul, thereby making the soul feel alone. In sometime in life, man realizes that his engagement with people has not borne good fruits. It has even made him disengage with his soul. He becomes alone even when alone as he has abandoned his spirit long time back. This is the sad story of the man who dedicates his life to the world, just to ruin it. Engagement of this sort brings immense sorrow. Momentary happiness is not what we seek. We are seeking everlasting happiness. But, genuinely before we even go out to inquire the whereabouts of happiness, we tend to go astray. We engage with momentary happiness as soon as we find it! We have no patience. Precisely, outward engagement de...

Sanatan Dharma

True religion is Sanatan Dharma. This has existed from the time existence existed. So, following this religion will reveal the ultimate reality. But, when the reality and specifically ultimate reality is revealed through Sanatan Dharma, it is evident that it cannot be bound to the term religion. Today, religion has a very constricted meaning and reach in an individual's life. It is not capable of revealing the nature of life. It has created barriers between people today. In other words, religion as a term has created division among people. Sanatan Dharma, as opposed to religion propagates no religion. It is just the revelation of life, its experience and its occurrence. So, following this ultimate Dharma, will get us to conclude that there is no religion. In fact, religion is not religion today! Only by following true religion ( Sanatan Dharma) will let us know religion. Once, we know a spec of it we know that the 'religion- based talk of the world' speaks nothing ab...

Smiling when you don't want to

Smiling when we don't feel like is a disease. This disease deals with the mental framework of our mind. In other words, anything that doesn't fit under the spiritual laws is a disease. Smiling when we don't feel like is a disease because it is governed by the mind. We often smile to keep the other happy or rather to keep ourselves happy. Even if there is momentary displeasure while exhibiting that smile on our face, we simply do it because that might fetch us a ground to seek happiness. This implies for all those who smile even while feeling uncomfortable. Just simply ask yourself: "Why am I smiling when I don't mean it or like to do???" The answer is hard to hear but it is the truth. We have selfish motives that compel smile, against our will. So, the first step to undo all the things that you did not like is to stop doing them again. We cannot alter our past but surely build good new ones. Consciously working towards our faulty mind, through sadhan...

For Our Mind and Soul

The food for our soul is indeed prayer. The characteristic of the soul is Sattvik or 'pure' in nature. This being the predominant quality, qualifies our soul as calm, stable and the source of happiness and peace. It is devoid of any craving or obsession as it is content. However, to experience this bliss within us, we are gifted with Prayer. It is a tool that directly brings one in contact with the nature of the soul. But many of us find it difficult to pray! Our Mind doesn't let us concentrate! So, we have to hold onto a step-by-step manual to monitor the mind. Mind chatters and brings in a surge of thoughts throughout the day. Hence, it is Rajasik. Some minds are ignorantly stationary, overcome by laziness, these are Tamasik in nature. But, the way to cope with both these categories of minds is WORK. If you are highly active (Rajasik), work is necessary as ground to develop a feeling of detachment. Here, detachment refers to the teachings of the Bhagvad Gita, work ...

You are Happiness.

Happiness does not lie beyond yourself. You are the embodiment of happiness as the source lies deep within ourselves. This is the ParamAtma. No object, person or event is capable of giving you happiness. This might not seem to be true, but you think for yourself. When we are sad internally, then the object we loved, or the person we admired no more seem to be pleasurable. They do not give us any kind of happiness. If we are happy, only then the outside world is happy. This is because, it is our happiness that reflects on the world outside. So, the objects, people, events do not give us happiness of any sort. They are just objects on which our happiness is reflected. Due to our limited understanding we often mistake the object and not self as the source of Happiness.  We are happiness because of which the outside world seems happy.  But the world has no potency to become joyful or sorrowful and hence cannot be the cause of joy or sorrow to any living being.

Most Precious Secret Revealed!

Believing in oneself is stupidity. It does no assure you a permanent solution as believing is a fluctuating phenomena. We believe in something because we were taught to, but with age and experience we disbelieve those things! Do not try to believe. You are being unnatural in that sense. You are accepting (believing) something blindly just because you were asked to. "Perhaps,it would resolve my problems". If this is your intention, you are highly mistaken. Because, the medicine that works for him might not necessarily, or never work for you. Believing is just an escape mechanism. If you are convince not to believe, then what will you do? The answer is: "Just Be". Be yourself and know yourself. Go deeper within yourself, for nobody else ca do that for you! Find out the root cause of your misery. Be sincere in answering every question you encounter while undergoing introspection. Just Be. Then this will make you confident, not superficially as you have understoo...

Which is the true Voice???

We have been told to listen to our inner voice in time of crisis! But which voice do we listen to? Most of us face a problem to identify the true inner voice. In fact, in our inner spectrum there are more voices than what we hear in the physical plane. These voices are the voices of our emotions,feelings, mind, soul, heart, brain,etc. So many, isn't it? How do we really know which is the genuine voice, the voice of our soul? We must know that our mind chatters throughout, day in and day out. If you have been practicing Sadhana, you would be aware of the mind's voice, which generally compels man with the feeling of guilt, anger, happiness (temporary), excitement. The voice which dictates us to engage in an activity for momentary pleasure is the voice of our mind. It will ask us to do activities that satisfy the body (senses). These might seem to be the voice of our emotions at times,but there is no such voice! Everything we hear that directs us to the world of activitie...


What are we after all? Do you know? Answer this question with complete transparency. We are two legged animals, with a developed brain, made up of flesh, bones and blood. Why do we go about boasting our capacities? We must know that we have a temporary living on Earth and we are no special entities. We are not immortals. We are like any other creation of the creator, God. We can never make a difference to the world as the one who thought  thus no longer exist. Many think thus, but do you see them! No, the world functioned absolutely well before them, while they existed and even after they are gone! God, is the creator. Can we breathe without air, sun and water. No. What are these forms? These are integral part of all life forms. These make a difference to all of us. This is nature, another form of God. We have a very shortsighted vision as we feel that we can make a difference to the world, we are important... But, this is not true at all. Without that Supreme Energy, Go...

Stress Management.

When we first joined the art class it was pretty hard to make an apple! Yes, why do we forget about this. Due to our high degree of forgetfulness, we have taken up to become stressed. We forget that we were incapable of even drawing an apple, but as time passed we LEARNT to draw. Then gradually we became good sculptors. But, just ask yourself, "What do we sculpt?" If you are sincere, your answer is certainly this. "We sculpt the already existing things and people around us." So, we do not create but imitate. When we become aware of this fact at every stage of life, we release the stress of becoming something. Because, we will then know that what we think has already been created by the creator. We cannot become anything new, because it has all existed. To release stress and if you are truly concerned about yourself, you must bring the smallest of smallest things to your notice. Whenever you are overcome with this emotion of self importance, ask yourself, "...

Describing Yourself

We have got spectacular words to describe events and things around us. We emphasize our experience by using descriptive words along with strong emotions. But, it is nearly impossible to describe oneself, wholly. Even if we know ourselves in a so-called, full manner, we choose not to describe. It might either be like flattery or rather annoying. So, the truth is that our personality being so complex, compels us to doubt ourselves. Our behaviors and traits are not from this birth, but it is an expression of our many past lifetimes. So, we do not know ourselves that well, so how can we probably describe "You". "You" is somebody apart from us. That other entity to has a whole load of identities, behaviors, traits, habit, emotions and ideas.  So, adjectives which are created by us humans with this very mind cannot effectively describe us, we who have created them. Just like a doctor does not write his own prescription! He consults his other fellow mates for a perf...

Education Vs Literacy

Well, in high school we haven't heard of Education Vs Literacy, just because we were taught them to be synonyms for one another. However, there is a subtle, yet important factor that sets them different. We have achieved a lot from School and College. We knew friendship along with Career and then finally our jobs. However, these learning centres only equipped us to come back to this world. This is the world of competition and struggle. They taught us to become one like them and not different. Thus, this process is termed as literacy. They taught us the very first alphabets to be able to communicate effectively in this competitive world. To be influential they enhanced our vocabulary, knowledge and altering our stance to the most updated teaching, helping us to be with time and not out-dated. But,this is just literacy. There is another term, quite deeper in its meaning, which many of us have not thought deeply about. This is education. Education deals with the way we respond ...

Is he a genius?

When we hear the world talk about a genius, there are erratic tales appended to him. "Perhaps, this is what makes him different from us." is the view of the world. But, this is madness. Because there are abnormalities exhibited. Just by being different from others by adopting mad ways gets you labelled as genius. However, that genius knows that he is making others mad. While the one who knows that the latter is fooling him and the others, knows that the genius is indeed mad. The idea is to tell you that, just by becoming different from others does not necessarily make you genius, it can also be madness. So, don't try to be a different person. Just be yourself. Don't try to make your identity in this world. Because, this world has a very poor memory. So, you are wasting time, if you try to become a so-called genius. This process of becoming a genius wholly depends on the world to credit you as a genius. Eventually, the world itself will label you as a mad man. A...

True intelligence is not from...

Intelligence is not a mundane attribute but it deals with the space of consciousness. A very simple way to understand the degree of intelligence is this- The more you are connected with the super conscious, or spirit, you are connected to true intelligence. In other words, mundane activities and their results, success and failure cannot be the products of intelligence. So, we must understand that intelligence does not sprout from the brain but from the conscience which is the soul of the brain and many other vital functions. Intelligence is what makes us. It is consciousness that is intelligence! So, without intelligence present as consciousness, no activity or even thought can be carried out. However, in our daily lives, we may/ may not be conscious of the consciousness within us. So, we mistake the brain and not its source as the benefactor of intelligence. However, when man knows that it is not the success of materialism that is intelligence, he then becomes truly intelligent...