Past and Future
Reality is always identical to the present moment which keeps moving constantly. Other than the present moment there is no reality. It is the present only that becomes the past and loses all relevance and it is present alone that gives the future, a reality. Otherwise future and past have no realities of their own.
When the mind is clouded by the aspirations of the future or the guilt and remorse of the past, one cannot live up to one's full potential because the energy gets divested into unnecessary thoughts and action is not carried out well enough, thus tarnishing one's abilities. The present thus gets poisoned by the past and future. It is then not wrong to call past and future as impurities in the context of the present.
When the mind is clouded by the aspirations of the future or the guilt and remorse of the past, one cannot live up to one's full potential because the energy gets divested into unnecessary thoughts and action is not carried out well enough, thus tarnishing one's abilities. The present thus gets poisoned by the past and future. It is then not wrong to call past and future as impurities in the context of the present.