Fool and Sadist

A fool is unconscious of his state of being a fool. he continuously tries to grasp life, to the best of his ability, however, his weaknesses have the better of him. A person who is generally penny wise and pounds foolish is a fool. For example, a traitor, who sells his country's secrets in the anticipation of a handsome reward from the enemy is a fool. How can the enemy trust a traitor? Will, they not use the traitor and then kill him in the end?
Thus, a fool is his own enemy. A fool is one, who is only bothered about his short-sighted view of happiness without bothering about the long-term ramifications of the truth. In the end, nature tries to reform the fool, but only through the infliction of pain because there is no other way for nature to make the fool realize because he is, after all, a fool.

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