Compassion, A Myth

Much religious organization promotes compassion as the basis of operation. Compassion is a state of being and not a feeling as is popularly promoted. One cannot be compassionate. Only when one has realized Truth, can one know true compassion, otherwise talk on compassion is simply hearsay. People confuse pity on another being as Compassion. Pity is on the other, while compassion is the nature of consciousness itself. It is a myth, to promote compassion.

Today people trade on compassion. Compassion is never towards any being since it's not a feeling or spurt of emotion. Compassion is the very nature of being, which is equanimous in nature, that which is equal to all beings and does not see differences in any being. Unfortunately today, the word "compassion" is simply used to manipulate the state of affairs, to gain an advantage and fool people!

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