
Showing posts from August, 2019

Be True To Yourself

The world is your mirror. We know that the image of ours which is reflected in the mirror is not real, it is virtual. Thus the world which is the very reflection of our mind is a virtual one. There is no stuff in the world. If we manipulate with the world, we are playing merely with illusion. This illusory play merely complicates our delusion. Our transactions with the world are manipulative in nature, hence there is no reality there. We have to seek reality within ourselves.  Unless we audit ourselves, to our very core, we cannot know reality. The whole world is busy playing and manipulating with the outside, without bothering much with their inner reality. This essentially means that we are ignorant of the very process of how life happens. This is an unfortunate state to be in!

Compassion, A Myth

Much religious organization promotes compassion as the basis of operation. Compassion is a state of being and not a feeling as is popularly promoted. One cannot be compassionate. Only when one has realized Truth, can one know true compassion, otherwise talk on compassion is simply hearsay. People confuse pity on another being as Compassion. Pity is on the other, while compassion is the nature of consciousness itself. It is a myth, to promote compassion. Today people trade on compassion. Compassion is never towards any being since it's not a feeling or spurt of emotion. Compassion is the very nature of being, which is equanimous in nature, that which is equal to all beings and does not see differences in any being. Unfortunately today, the word "compassion" is simply used to manipulate the state of affairs, to gain an advantage and fool people!

Fool and Sadist

A fool is unconscious of his state of being a fool. he continuously tries to grasp life, to the best of his ability, however, his weaknesses have the better of him. A person who is generally penny wise and pounds foolish is a fool. For example, a traitor, who sells his country's secrets in the anticipation of a handsome reward from the enemy is a fool. How can the enemy trust a traitor? Will, they not use the traitor and then kill him in the end? Thus, a fool is his own enemy. A fool is one, who is only bothered about his short-sighted view of happiness without bothering about the long-term ramifications of the truth. In the end, nature tries to reform the fool, but only through the infliction of pain because there is no other way for nature to make the fool realize because he is, after all, a fool.

Science And Life

We talk of Science, that which has been active as a mechanism of study for under three hundred years. The scientific bend of thought is a very recent approach. Yet in Vedic times, man had explored life in all its vastness through the eyes of higher intelligence. A Scientific bent of mind is limiting to the extent that science talks about a subject and an object. Thus science can only have objective answers because it studies the world as an object. Science doesn't seem to be worried about the subject, the observer. This is a grave error of so-called scientific temperament. Vedanta has always worried about the subject. In recent times, strangely in the field of Quantum Mechanics science alludes that it is the subject, through his mere observation, who influences the object and thereby influences the outcome of the experiment. Hello, is this the science we are all proud of?

No Free-Will

The purpose of life is to use your entire potential in understanding the purpose and value of life. When one endeavors to walk on this path, one will have to put good use of his Free-Will in the exploration of life. The Exploration of Life shall walk you through the value systems that form the backbone of your character. The more one gets committed to a true exploration of life, one shall but walk the principles of Truth. This endeavor unravels the mystery of life. Life, as it happens to you will be realized as an expression of Divine-Will. If you have put full use of your Free-Will you shall discover that you never had Free-Will in the first place, it was Divine Will that put you through this journey. This revelation is not a belief that you shall develop through hearsay. It shall be the deepest experience of Life.

Spiritual Market

Spirituality, today has become the talk of the town. There are several who share their spiritual experiences and this has created a great market for Spirituality. It has almost become a marketable and salable product. There are malls which sell memoirs and other merchandise that promote spirituality. Organizations and NGOs have cropped up over the decade with Spirituality as their forte. Philanthropy has partnered with spirituality and is an up-market for businesses houses to push their products under the garb of disseminating spiritual knowledge. There are other motivational bestsellers who have taken refuge in spirituality perhaps shadowing all the evils that would have otherwise appeared naked, thanks to the Spirituality Market.

Human and Divine

Man has been struggling to get sanity. All his struggles, due to corrosion of genuineness has only made him go insane. Man of the Vedic times had experienced the divine. He had understood long before, the need to raise the bar of his civility towards nature. Yet in recent times, he has exploited nature. Even Spirituality has become a domain of exploitation. In the name of Spirituality and Religion, man promises to give solace and consolation to his fellow-beings and in the end takes advantage of their gullibility towards his own selfish purposes. Spirituality is just another domain that lays bare man's tendencies to become profane. Far from Divinity, man has forgotten what it takes to be human, let alone Divinity.

Emptiness and Creativity

The source of Absolute is indeed Emptiness. When we give ourselves to the inquiry of the self, if much effort is poured in all sincerity, we shall be led to the land of emptiness. It is an emptiness that is the source of all that exists and all that is going to exist in the future. Emptiness is the source of Creation itself. When the mind is purged of it impurities and becomes clear and clarified, one is able to sense the land of emptiness through the medium of the translucent mind. Creativity is born on the lap of this Emptiness alone. When one knows emptiness, he shall not be attracted to anything of this world. If he knows emptiness, why shall he be interested in the mere by-products? Emptiness is the master and a person who knows the master is not interested in slaves.

Past and Future

Reality is always identical to the present moment which keeps moving constantly. Other than the present moment there is no reality. It is the present only that becomes the past and loses all relevance and it is present alone that gives the future, a reality.  Otherwise future and past have no realities of their own. When the mind is clouded by the aspirations of the future or the guilt and remorse of the past, one cannot live up to one's full potential because the energy gets divested into unnecessary thoughts and action is not carried out well enough, thus tarnishing one's abilities. The present thus gets poisoned by the past and future. It is then not wrong to call past and future as impurities in the context of the present.

Hope is a Jargon

Politicians talk of hope. Religious and Spiritual leaders talk of Hope; the hope of a transformed world and so on. Hope is used always in a futuristic context. If there is anything in the future it is unknowability and that which is unknown or unknowable cannot be commented on. Our soul or consciousness is only aware of the present. Past and Future do not exist in the parlance of consciousness. Hence those who talk of hope, in many ways are misguiding us. Instead of hope, one has to realize one's own potential. Spirituality should train oneself in the journey towards one's very core, the consciousness. One's we are able to subjectively grasp the science of consciousness, we do not require the jargon of Hope or even the need for a better world!

Love, An Illusion

Love is an abused word. People use the word casually to manage and control other people. This word has lead in connecting people who are not well-intentioned. The illusion of love has only created much discord and they use "Love" to hold other people at ransom. People talk about loving others eternally, that will stand the test of time. The reality of the matter is that none has survived the test of time to prove their love. If its the love of which religion talks off, it has to be eternal. Here people have not understood the nature of life itself. How can they be eligible for love? Love is a transactional word today, used to denote a frivolous relationship between opposite sexes. Love changes and if it changes it is not love.

Endless Bodies

There is no need to worry about the activities of the world. We engage ourselves in worldly chores and burn up the body. The body becomes diseased and perishes, yet our mind which has now become a store-house of impressions seeks another body for the fulfillment of its desires. Thus there is an unending trail of the mind which takes up new bodies if there are latent desires embedded in it. Hence time is never a factor for the fulfillment of desires. The desires drive us to different bodies including those of plants and animals towards fulfilling the tendencies of the mind. The goal of life is to put an end to this seemingly unending scuttle of the mind. 

Only Self-Deception

The world is your own reflection. There is no other in the world. All are but your own fading reflections. If you think you can deceive and getaway, you are highly mistaken. Shutting your eyes cannot make the sun of Truth disappear. The world outside and the world un-manifest of our own conscious, subconscious and unconscious planes of our mind and memory. Our senses are the extensions of our mind which manipulate the world outside for us.  If you think that you can deceive the world, you should know that you have been already deceived first. It is only an appearance of you deceiving someone. Sooner or later we would find that out, but then it is too late.

Illusion Of The World

It is important to know that true wisdom is when you separate your activities from the world. You do not depend on the world for your happiness. This is true wisdom. More you are with yourself, the wiser you are, the lesser the world. When our thoughts and deeds are in alignment with who we really are, we will then not seek conformance with the world. Our dependence on the world is commensurate to our own ignorance. We are utterly dependent on the outside world because we are not aware of the fact that our body and the world are evolutes of our own sentience. This is the essential knowledge of the Vedic Scriptures. The more we are aligned to our meditative self, the less will be our interaction with the outside world, in other words, lesser will be the world for us.

Righteous Shadows

Righteous and Upright people are simple. They are in the light of the Truth. Since they are in Truth, They have no fluff around them. That is their power. The shady and the shoddy do not get near them. Truth has its own life. It does not need any other life-form for support and it is like a Lion that is alone yet satisfied. It does not need the company of wild-dogs or foxes. Truth is clear like the sun reflected through a crystal. Its light is sufficient for its survival or anybody who has his character built on the edifice of Truth. The world is just a reflection of all that is elusive and Truth casts no shadow.  When one is righteous, the conscience is clear and the transactions are transparent. There is nothing to block or hide and hence Truth casts no shadow.

No Blood relatives

Its seen that our relatives are our greatest enemies. The more they get closer to us, the more they are envious. Truth is always harsh. The truer you are, the greater is the chance that you lose your relatives first. Relatives are your greatest competitors. All of them usually try to promote themselves with the intention of showing you down in an indirect way. That's why they are blood relatives, after your blood. When you walk the path of Truth, your commitment to what is in alignment with your highest ideals becomes a way of your life. None shall accept such approaches because usually, you end up with stark disagreements with the society under you. The first to run away from your formidable approach is your so-called relatives. Next, your neighbors and in the end, you shall only have Truth for your company. A man of Truth is rude, if not arrogant.

The Great

There are really no great people. It is our incomplete assessment of them that they are projected great in our minds. Look intensely enough before you conclude whether someone is great. Your concepts and ideas about others shape your own life. SO be careful and watchful. Greatness is a quality that is thrust by people who opine about others. Greatness depends on what is your take and hence a highly subjective matter. A man who has served the nation but neglected his family may be considered great. But his own children and wife feel neglected and ignored. They may feel that this great person is, in fact, a failure. On the other hand, there may be an individual who is not known in society, yet his family loves and respects him and find him great. So what does greatness mean after all?


Most of us live quite inattentively. Such Life is to die every moment. When we are watchful of every thought, there is a dynamo of fresh energy infused into life. An audited thought is immensely potent. Attention is the hallmark of consciousness. The more one is attentive, the more one is conscious. Attention directs life with all its potency towards the object to which it is directed. Attention begets concentration. If we become attentive towards what we think, our words and actions become refined. We find that as attention and concentration grows, there is harmony setting into our lives. Wisdom is an outcome of long periods of attention that is given to life and the thought process in general.

Past And Future

Living in the Present is a life well-lived. The World is a reflection of both our past and future and hence it is not real. Reality is simply living in the present moment. People often while away their time and energy, most importantly in talking about their plans about their future or dwelling in the past, regretting it. This approach is not good for one's growth. Dwelling in the past or jumping to the future is regressive. Living in the present moment should be practiced because this practice conserves energy and brings the best in us. The past and future, one should understand is mere illusion. The more one learns to avoid unnecessary conversations about the past and future and focusing on the present, the more one shall find peace and harmony in one's life.

Doing Prayer

Even if you are not a man of action, your Prayers shall benefit you and the world. Surrender and Pray. Such a Prayer is worth any other deed. The saint prays, not for anyone, rather connects with pure consciousness that transforms society. Deeds are gross in nature and prayers are extremely subtle and hence far-reaching. A prayer impinges through the entire veil of the universe and reaches the core of existence if done with a sincere heart. The more one prays, the more one gets attuned to universal consciousness. Prayer should never be done to solve any problem in particular. Simply praying to be in attunement with the self is the most potent prayer. Such a prayer cleanses all the unconscious gross ideas that cloud our life.


Prayer has a great cleansing effect. Praying is not begging. It is simply talking to God with a simple heart. Not expecting Him to solve our problems but just being in His company and bathing in His Light. The crystal clarity of the soul is attained when we pray to the Lord, for His guidance alone, not expecting anything else from Him. He is the silent voice of the conscience which can only be heard when we commit ourselves to Truth alone. Our prayer is not for any welfare but for being able to perceive with clarity and realize the truth. Prayer has no other motivated purpose. The silent whispers with which we communicate with the Lord is our very guiding force.

Effortless Clarity

We get troubled by the world owing to our own mixed-up concepts. We hold on to unnecessary things of the world and clutter our minds. Too much of holding creates tension in thought. To have clarity one must learn to let go. Letting go of our compulsions, our whims, and fancies, our stubbornness on what is right or wrong will allow us to free our mind and to take a universal unbiased perspective which is given to us by our soul. We shall then be able to embrace the universal. We shall know the Truth. Our commitment to the Truth will be the voice of our clarity. It is important not to shudder under the pressure of outward circumstances and one should rely on the inner peace which is our true nature.